So today was...
...GOOD day!!! Ahh!! I'll never understand this profession! :P The kids were interested in everything today! They did well with the math, we had a math review, we did a capitalization review... we drew & painted with watercolors (and they listened to my technique tips!!), we had a GOOD class meeting... kids were *interested* in the science lesson today (about the human body- they love it!)...
Just a good day overall. Will wonders never cease?! Tomorrow, we have our class party at the end of the day. It's then that I'll present them with the letters I've made them... I'm excited!
For now, I'm off on a pseudo-date with the (only single male teacher in the school) art teacher. Ciao!
(Update: 5.30.07: Here is some of the students' awesome artwork:)

(Hmm... I'd wanted to add more, but ghetto blogger won't let me right now... grrr...)
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