Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A bittersweet evening...

So I just got back from my kids' concert a little while ago. 14 of my students are in one of the two elementary school bands; how could I *not* go? When I arrived (at 6:34pm- oops!), I was swarmed by excited, nervous students. I saw many parents I knew. I felt like this is *my* community. I easily knew half the people present, and the concert had a really good turnout. Sigh.

During the students' performances, I avidly took photos and videos (and filled up my memory card!). I cheered like a nut at the conclusion of each band's stint. Students sat next to me for much of the concert (as the high school band performed as well, so there was some "down-time" for my kids)... I loved it. I almost cried, realizing how much I'll actually miss my little monsters.

The affection I felt tonight made me think I may try this whole teaching gig a bit later on... when I'm more mature, older, wiser, etc. It's quite an experience forming a close-knit community and really feeling like a part of it. After the concert, I met with one parent to briefly discuss issues with the Board of Education, another to see the family's new baby, another to converse briefly in Spanish... it's really cool knowing so much about so many people. I will miss that a great deal.

Anyway, time to waste a few minutes eating & playing a game, then I'm off to try and be productive before bedtime. Ciao again!


At 4:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The affection and the connection you have been feeling are normal when you've invested as much of yourself as you have into a group of people. For a first-year teacher, you have become actively involved in your school (PTA secretary, playground fundraiser chairman) and your community. You made an entire data base of area companies and let them know how they can become involved with your school -- and they did! Your school will have a brand new playground (which they desperately need) thanks to your involvement.

Even if you take a few years off from teaching, I truly believe you should give it another try one day. Remember the rule of two -- try something twice before you reject it totally. The first year is a learning process and you certainly have learned a great deal this year, more so than any classes at any university could teach you.

We are proud of you and your efforts.



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