Monday, April 30, 2007

Just pluggin' along...

So school is *officially* over for the students one month from today!!! Woo hoo!! I apologize, faithful readers, that this blog will probably henceforth be a countdown to the end of my teaching career. (The current coutdown stands at only 20 days!)

My voice is nearly gone. This fact alone made the day very interesting. My voice kept cracking, which made the kids laugh a lot. I must admit: it's humorous. However, it's still extremely annoying when I try to yell across the playground at a kid and all that comes out is a high-pitched squeak.

The kids are still just being little monsters. I'm extremely tempted to just cancel the whole Grand Canyon trip; we'll see how this week goes. I mean, really: the trip is supposed to be next Friday, just a week & a few days away. You'd think the kids could hang in there that long, but they can't. Ugh! Even the 13 who are still going are having a hard time staying focused, getting work done, and not being incessantly annoying. I have a sub this coming Friday (as I'm flying back to the homeland to see my little sister graduate), so I'm going to hold the trip over their heads for this week, especially Friday. Ha.

Anyway, all the teachers here are done. We're checked out. We're not mentally around anymore. I've been getting the same sentiment from all the teachers I've talked to today: Just ride it out 'til the end of the year. This point is review anyway, especially since the state testing is done. What crap.

Again, I don't mean to constantly complain. There are a few good things still happening. For example, I had a really good science lesson with the kids last week. This week, we're starting book reports, so the kids get to choose their own books to read and then report to the class on them. Hopefully, that'll be cool. We still have our HUGE fundraiser in a few weeks, so that should raise quite a bit of money for much-needed playground equipment.

Ok, off to go into town for some errands. Have a great last day of April, y'all!


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