Thursday, April 26, 2007

Being positive

So I'm going to try my darndest today to NOT complain in my blog. I know I do frequently, and I know it can't always be a joy to read.

That being said, today went pretty quickly (which is about all I can ask for at the moment). We had a cool presentation by some members of our local American Legion branch, and I learned some stuff about the U.S. flag. For example, I guess at one point in our history there were 15 stars and 15 stripes. I had no idea about the stripes! Also, a U.S. flag should always be on a speaker's right-hand side. Flags should not be displayed at night unless they have adequate lighting. Tattered, torn, or old flags can be given to any American Legion or VFW branch, who will then properly dispose of it. The way a U.S. flag should be destroyed, apparently, is first cutting the stars and stripes apart from each other. Then both pieces are to be burned. Who knew all this? I sure didn't!

We've had 3 assemblies this week, which the kids and I all like. Tuesday, we had a staff member play the glass armonica (an in instrument invented by Benjamin Franklin) among other cool percussion instruments; yesterday, the kids saw a presentation given by a parent on the Grand Canyon; today, we had the flag ceremony. Props to the community for sharing this all with us!

Tomorrow, to celebrate the students' good behavior during the AIMS test, we're going to have a popcorn-and-movie party in the afternoon. (This was sponsored by the prinicpal, who will be providing the popcorn!) I opted for "Madagascar," since I love that movie, and the other grades 4-6 teachers agreed. Score. That means I really only have to teach 'til 1:30 tomorrow! Yippee!

Also (and this isn't complaining, this is merely stating facts), we may not go to the Grand Canyon on our overnight trip. Apparently, when I was gone yesterday, the kids were off the walls. People were throwing books, erasers, and other objects; people stood on chairs; people were running around the classroom and yelling, etc. Yuck!! We had just had a bad sub report Monday, so I was even more upset by the news of yesterday's occurences. Additionally, one of my normally "good" students threatened the sub at the end of the day! She said something about throwing a chair at the sub, and how the girl's mom could beat up the principal. That girl is on in-school suspension all next week, and was sent home today and tomorrow. I cannot believe it!

Hmm... that about sums it up for the time being. Now I'm off to play catch-up with grading, copying, and PTO stuff-ing. Bleh! Have a great night, y'all!


At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.


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