So my room is silent right now, and it's full of students. "What?!" you may ask, not sure of what's going on. That's right: I'm coming down on them like the wrath of God. I've just really had enough at this point.
We all went to library (which is unusual) today, and it was a complete disaster. The librarian grew so frustrated at one point that she demanded, "Heads down!" The students sat in silence for the last 10 minutes of library. I was completely embarrassed, but also too exhausted to really care.
Right now, they're all in here with options of work to do. I've set out guidelines for what they MAY and MAY NOT do, and I've mandated total silence for the next 30 minutes. This is actually more for me (so that I may unwind and subsequently vent to this blog), but a lot of them also seem to appreciate the calmness. I think we're all tired of the constant chaos and mayhem that seem to define our days here, and I'm doing my best to stop it.
Sadly, all I can think about right now is how many more days I have to do this. (Our countdown currently stands at 39 days.) Perhaps this isn't the right time for me in life or the district or the career itself, I'm not really sure. What I do know, though, is that I'm completely done with this particular job at this particular moment in time.
Hm. Not everything is bleak, though; I interviewed for a position as a Health Educator yesterday, and I think it went relatively well. I'll know the outcome this Friday, so it's a pretty fast turnaround time. Also, the social life is pretty decent, so that always helps. My friend, Joe, was out here last week & part of this week, so he's working on a guest blog for this. (He came in for the full day on Monday, and has quite a few things to say about the current state of public education.)
I suppose that's all for now, faithful readers. I think my biggest hope for you all is that you find a career and a lifestyle that makes you truly happy. Ciao.
Keep the faith!
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