Thursday, April 12, 2007

my apologies for the delay.

It's been exceptionally difficult to be in touch with the world this past week. You see, I've lost my cell phone (eek!), AND the school's internet is down. It's been down all week, and there's little hope of getting it back anytime soon (especially with my ex-roommate, the ex-tech guy, still in jail). Furthermore, my home internet connection is tenuous as well, so that doesn't help.

So, today was day 3 of 4 for the AIMS (Arizona Instrument to Measure the Standards) test. Yuck!!!! The kids and I are all wiped out from the week; thank goodness we only have one more day to go! Fortunately, I've only had to work with my 5th graders for the testing this week; pseudo-mentor teacher took my 4th graders for the mornings of testing. It's been VERY nice having only 12 little monsters in the room instead of the usual 26/27 (depending on who's withdrawn or enrolled this week).

My class has been out of control lately, and I know it's my fault. Yes, it's April, yes, we only have a month & a half of school left, but they have just been absolute monsters the past few weeks. I'm so sick of it. I feel like I'm on "autopilot" these days, not really caring what they learn, but just that the time passes quickly. I feel bad about the whole ordeal, especially since the students' education is severely in jeopardy. What to do?? I'm trying to "hang in there," especially since the end is in sight, but it's incredibly hard to give one's best when one is completely and utterly done with one's job.

I apologize again; I'm just in a funk. The better news is that I'll be starting as a Health Educator the first week in June!! :) School gets out (for the teachers) on May 31, then I start that next Monday (June 4th) in my new position! I'm so thrilled that I won't be in the same classroom all day, that I'll get to travel a lot, and that I'll have money and healthcare over the summer!! I will not be returning to this school next year, for I am just done with teaching at the moment. (Have I made this painfully clear yet?)

The principal at our school is also quite a popular topic of discussion lately. It's either love or hate, and most people don't seem to be on the favorable side of her. I personally think she's doing an OK job, considering all that she's been handed. Anyway, she offered to be a reference for me for the aforementioned Health Educator job. They called her last week, and apparently she gave me a good recommendation, because they told her that their intention was to offer me a position. (When I spoke with the woman with whom I'd interviewed and she offered me the job, I enthusiastically accepted it on the spot.) The principal- that afternoon- BEGGED me to stay at the school. "We'll give you any grade you want, any class, guaranteed. We'll work with you, and I promise you no more combination classes." The teacher who was with me at the time couldn't believe her ears. I was very flattered, and told the principal, "I'll think it over." Eesh. The principal asked me today, point blank, "Have you given the county an answer yet? Will you be staying with us next year?" I looked her in the eye and flat-out lied. "I'm not sure yet," I said, surprised at how easily I just lied to my supervisor.

Anyway, I shall be off. Hopefully this update calms a lot of eager minds! :) I'm taking next Monday off for my own sanity, but I'll write tomorrow, provided the internet's working. Take care, all, and I'll catch ya on the flipside!

P.S. We have our GIANT fundraiser for the playground next month AND the class Grand Canyon trip. I will be the most relieved person in the country when May is finally over. Ok, ciao!


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