Thursday, February 15, 2007

Time to go home...

Oy, what a day. First, my Valentine's Day celebration after school totally bombed. :( Seems my love life is perhaps on its way out. Since yesterday was pretty crappy in the personal life department, I was in a pretty crappy mood at school this morning.


Anyway, the day didn't go as fast as I'd hoped. The kids had an extra recess this morning to make up for their lost P.E. time today (due to the county spelling bee, which our school hosted). I took my class to the bee once in the morning (for almost an hour! Oops.) and once in the afternoon (for about 45 minutes). Am I lazy? Perhaps. Am I exhausted and overwhelmed? Definitely. Thus, I gave us *all* a little break by observing the bee. (I let the students bring books and papers and allowed very quiet whispering, so they were pretty good during the whole thing.)

Sigh. Sorry for the "blah" entry, but that's how I'm feeling. I'm actually going home before dark (!!), but I still need to: grade, plan out my next few units, figure out crap, and get to sleep early. Hopefully tomorrow (T.G.I.F.) will be better. Ciao!


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