Monday, February 05, 2007

Me vs. February

So it's finally happened... I am officially sick. What started out as a cough and sore throat last night has developed into a smorgasboard (sp?) of symptoms. Yuck. What's worse: this is an "easy" week... here's how:

Tuesday: 2 specials (woo hoo!)
Wednesday: my 4th graders will be gone ALL morning to take the NAEPA test, leaving me with just about 13 students.
Thursday: field trip with the 5th graders (half my class)
Friday: field trip with the 4th graders (half again)

Sooo... it should be simple. However, I feel like complete and utter crap. In fact, I'm going to go home soon (early for me!!!), get some rest, and try to prepare for the rest of the week.

All in all, today was a pretty decent one. The kids are in their second week of journaling, and I'm overall impressed with their writing. I have three or four REALLY talented writers, and I'm constantly amazed by their abilities. I think we're all FINALLY starting to find a balance as a class.

I discussed NCLB with the class, figuring they have the right to know WHY they're taking the stupid AIMS (standardized) tests in April. I also showed them my book of state standards, and we had a really good discussion about schools, money, and academics. I'm really quite proud of them sometimes.

Hmm... What else? I'm still up-and-down on the never-ending roller coaster that is... teaching. I don't know if that'll ever change. However, I do find that I really like the vast majority of the class, and even my "trouble makers" are cool one-on-one. I still don't think I'm covering all my kids need to know, and I don't yet know how to do all that I need to do as a successful teacher. However, I'm very honest and real with my kids, and they know that. I fall behind on a lot of stuff, but I think the kids usually appreciate the honesty and support I try to give them.

I suppose that's it for now. Despite feeling crappy health-wise, I actually feel pretty decent teaching-wise. Peace.


At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI! Obviously, We hope you feel much, much better soon. There has been a lot of illness going around. Please get plenty of rest and fluids and take care of yourself!

This is your first year of teaching. You have come so far but please don't expect to know how to do everything perfectly immediately. Your honesty and fairness with your students are the important things. You are just beginning to hit your stride. You have had an amazing first year. We are very, very proud of you.

Enjoy your field trips if you decide to go. Enjoy your students and their talents.

Momita and Daddio :)


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