27 more days left!!
(Who's more eager: me or the kids? It's a toss-up!)
Today, all things considered, it was a decent day. Not stellar, but definitely manageable. The kids were pretty good all morning (!), and not too bad in the afternoon. I only had to send 2 out of the room due to behavior, and they both returned later, ready to work.
There are a lot of odd times in my day transition-wise. I have a lot of students (10 or so of 28) in the gifted program, which meets twice a week for 45 minutes each time. Thus, I have about 2/3 of my class, so I can't really teach a new lesson, and it's not fair to give them extra work, so we do a lot of reviews and games. Then, in the afternoons, we have beginning band and intermediate band, each of which is 45 minutes, and each of which meets 4 days a week. That's a large reason why the afternoons are so messed up. So, all in all, I rarel;y have my entire class the whole day, which actually sucks, because then I have to go back and fill in gaps of information that some students missed. Oy!
Today we had a rather successful game of adding fractions with unlike denominators. This process (which I had thought to be rather easy, especially for the older students) has turned out to be a great cause of stress in the 4th graders' lives. We're spending this week on that concept, then next week on subtracting unlike denominators and a test on Friday. Yay!
Hmm... in other news, I got a call from the superintendant today. He asked me if my roommate (the former tech guy) is still in jail; I informed him that he is. The super then asked if I could let him (the super) into my house to get the tech guy's computers and go through them. Seems there may be some "questionable material" on the computers (???), so the super wants to see what's up. I ran this whole thing by numerous veteran teachers, who all warned me against it, unless the super had an officer and/or search warrant with him at the time. The veterans said that I could eventually get sued by the former roommie for such invasion of privacy, etc. I had to call the super back and ask if he had a search warrant or an officer to go with him; he informed me (through the school secretary; he wouldn't talk to me) that he didn't. He then promptly dropped the subject, and that was that. Hmm... I hope this whole story makes sense. The entire thing just seemed absurd. Hopefully I was able to convey that much.
Anyway, I shall actually input some grades for the time being; I've been slacking a great deal with this. I have ONE set of grades for language arts and ONE set for spelling; the other subjects (even 4 weeks into the 4th quarter) are blank. Oops. Can ya blame me, though? Oh, and tomorrow morning is the older grades' student of the month/honor roll assembly. I plan to do a little speech about Darfur, so I must go prepare. Peace!
HI! I thought it was your intention to have someone pick up and take your roommate's possessions over to the Board of Ed office for storage. You could tell the superintendent that. Once it's in the hands of your BOE, it's out of your control. The sooner you get his stuff out of your home, the better. He will then have no reason to ever come back over to your home.
I was faculty rep for my building for CEA (our teachers union) for about ten years, and used to write lengthy reports on union meetings, but would also include things that had to do with my building (elementary, Columbus, OH). These often ran half a dozen pages, single-spaced, and I would always put a copy in my principal's box. One time I reported that I had figured out that I had my entire class in the room only 53% of the time, which helped me understand why I felt like I couldn't get much done in the way of teaching. Boy, my principal didn't like that!! But hey -- I was only the messenger. (So nice to be RETIRED!!!)
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