"Winter," my butt!
So it was like 70 out today. I love this state!! It's mid-December now, and I don't need my winter coat yet. The kids come in some mornings, complaining, "It's sooo cold!" I just scoff and say, "You don't even know what cold is." So there.
Anyway, I was a bit of a dork today with my class. We are studying the Midwestern states at the moment. This is my chance to talk about Ohio (my motherland), and I get all geeked out about the darn state for some reason. Anyway, I have a buckeye necklace hanging by my desk- a necklace from my Ohio State days. Today, we were identifying Ohio, its capital, and its 2-letter abbreviation. When several of my students couldn't get the abbreviation, I thought back to my college days...

I remembered the chant I'd hear every game day: "O-H"... "I-O!!" It's a back-and-forth chant they did at the stadium and in the streets. One person (or group) would shout, "O-H!" Another person (or group) would respond, "I-O!" This would go back and forth several times (sometimes too long). Anyway, I did it with my class. I divided them in two, and then we did the "O-H!" "I-O!" chant several times. I also taught them how to do a wave, where each group says one letter (O, H, I, and O). It was a blast. They loved it, and I told them that my mother would be so proud. :) (She, too, was a Buckeye. It's also her birthday today, so that was sending some Ohio State/Arizona love her way!!)
Right before recess, I told the class that I'd decided to stay. They cheered for a while, and I was bombarded with hugs. It was a great feeling. The end of the day was actually good, and I am looking forward to tomorrow. (?!)
Also, I love that people I don't know read this blog. Really. It's nice getting comments from you random readers- feel free to come back and check in from time to time, and I'll do the same for you! :) It's nice to have support from perfect strangers. Thank you!
Okee, I'm out. Have a great night!
You do so make your mother proud! First and most important, you're an awesome daughter and young woman. Next, by staying with your class and growing with them. And also, by teaching a new generation the OH - IO chant! And, if I may correct you, I AM STILL a Buckeye -- once a Buckeye, always a Buckeye! Go, Bucks!
Momita :)
Oh, one last thing... thank you for the birthday greetings! It was wonderful to feel the Ohio State/Arizona love.
Enjoy the weather while you can. I can't promise it will be the same here! Be sure to bring home that winter coat.
Momita :)
Ha! I actually knew you'd catch that Buckeye thing... I thought about going in and changing it, but I just wanted to go home. I know you're still a Buckeye, and always will be. :)
Ahem... GO BUCKS!!!
Oh, and just so you know... it has been in the 50's all week. It is currently 56 degrees in Columbus, OH.
Frankly, this week it's been in the 50s in Cleveland, Ohio, too! Last year at this time, Cleveland had 22" of snow and Chardon had 70 inches of snow. This year, Cleveland has had 10" of snow and Chardon, 22".
(I knew you knew once a Buckeye, always a Buckeye. I was just kidding. lol Go, Bucks!)
Momita :)
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