Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Oh, bipolar job!!

So today, I decided to have another heart-to-heart with the students. I don't know what's up with me being so open in front of them, but I'm just trying to be honest with them and with myself. I told them about the situation with me leaving or not in January, and asked for them to vote. I created ballots that read:

"What do you think?

______ I would like [our teacher ]to stay with our class this year.

______ I would prefer to have a different teacher for our class in January.

______ It does not matter to me either way.

Comments: _______________________________________________..."

So the class voted, and I encouraged them to NOT put their names on the papers and to vote honestly. After the votes were in (I had a student collect them so I wouldn't see them), I tallied up the results in front of the class. Turns out they voted unanimously to have me stay. I was quite surprised. I got a bit choked up, and told them that I appreciated the sentiment.

However, after the voting, they were little hellions again. They just cannot stop talking. If I punish them for talking, they still do it. If I reward them for silence, they still talk. If I try to use peer pressure against the talkers, they still talk. It's most frustrating. I hear it's not just my class, though; a lot of the kids in this area seem to have little respect for anyone or anything. I don't quite know how to hand this right now.

I was at a dilemma this morning: I realized I like my class. Hm. Now, at the end of the day, I remember why I'm so disheartened with the situation: no matter how much I give or what I do, I don't feel like the class is getting anywhere. I end up tired and frustrated, and then have to come back and do it all over again. I guess I just hope the good moments become more and more. Also ,teh principal comes back tomorrow, and my fate should be decided soon.

Stay tuned for further updates.... for now, I go meet with the mother of one of my most troublesome students.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Luke said...

I randomly came upon your blog on blogger.com and am quite intrigued. I finished my first year of teaching last May. I know how overwhelming it can be. Let me assure you, it gets better. Things slow WAY down in year 2 and it just becomes easier all around. I really only read today's blog, so I don't know the whole story with leaving, but I do hope you hang in there and that things get better. I do recommend Harry Wong's "The First Days of School." It impacted my approach to a successful first year like nothing else.

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote with your class...stay with them! They need you. I also agree with the first person's comments. It DOES get better and better each subsequent year!

Momita :)


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