Tuesday, February 27, 2007


briefly, then I'm out:

Today didn't go as quickly as it might have otherwise. This was probably due to the fact that my most troublesome student was back in class today. I think he's a good kid (with really, really crappy parents), but he is obnoxious, loud, and rude. Gotta love it.

Anyway, we got quite a bit done today, too. Not too shabby. Tomorrow is my second "official" observation/evaluation by the principal, and I'm actually not the least bit concerned about it. Of course, the psycho teacher next door completely freaked out about hers, but when all's said and done, our evaluations really don't amount to anything. (Good thing they do 'em, right?) I guess it is good to have another set of eyes in the class, though, to give me helpful tips.

Hmm... I just spoke with two more parents tonight. For as poor and ill-educated as parents generally are around here, they really do care about their children. I think nearly EVERY student in my class has at least one parent who genuinely cares about his/her child's progress and development. I'm astounded. I also happen to have a rather smart class; I had 9 students tested for gifted services, and 8 qualified. That's almost a third of my class! Pretty sweet.

I suppose that's it for now. Time to get out of here & actually be social! Ciao!


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