Friday, January 19, 2007

'Tis Friday ... [dies]

Loooooooooooooooooong day!!

the morning was good (don't feel like using caps, sorry)... assembly went well; i had the kids do an ohio state cheer for the crowd (the "o-h" call and the "i-o" response)... the parents seemed to like it. :)

had spelling/vocab tests, then i told the class the GOOD news about the playground project that's already underway!

the kids were really loud, obnoxious, and annoying in math today. it felt like lunch would NEVER come... when lunch *did* come, though, i got yelled at AGAIN by the lunch lady (who's usually super cool with me)... we were like 4 minutes late, and she yelled at me/our class all at once. NOT a good feeling. i must figure out a.) how to get the kids to lunch on time and b.) what consequence there should be if *i* get yelled at when it's more of the class's fault than mine. gr...

the afternoon was ok... i'm stopping s.s.r. starting next week, in lieu of awesome literature circles. we'll see how it goes. we're starting by all reading hatchet by gary paulsen, and we'll examine it from a different role (e.g., vocab specialist, imagery finder, etc.) every few days until the kids understand the jobs they'll have in a lit. circle.

carpet remnants are here!! my "main squeeze" (a deputy) brought them in today, which rocked. they're really nice, and i think the kids will love them. :)

ummmm... i'm just really tired right now. this week (which was 4 days, mind you), i've spent a grand total of 45 hours at school and an additional few hours doing school stuff at home. i was super energized, but now i'm dead. time to head to flagstaff to see old friends & unwind for a bit. ciao!


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