Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Time is tricky...

... The days go so fast, yet seem to drag on as well. Briefly:

-Good morning... I got the kids WORKING and QUIET within the first 10 minutes of school... on my own!

-Had an impromptu IEP meeting during lunch; I wasn't told about it until 30 minutes before. Nice. Not like I need to eat or anything.

-Rough afternoon; apparently the kids were little monsters at art. I had the entire class write a letter to our poor art teacher (who runs between our school and the jr/sr high every day). Hopefully that'll help.

-Took the class outside for math today. It was nice until the end, when they were working on their own. I wonder if they'll ever know when to control themselves.

-Have a HUGE to-do list for the next few days. Our first 2 field trips are this Thursday and Friday. As a "real" teacher, I've never done a field trip before. This will be interesting... fortunately, we have another class going with us on each trip. Keep your fingers crossed!

Anyway, that's it for now... I took an additional job (as a hostess and soon-to-be server) to help out financially and socially. Peace.


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