Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Loooong day, as usual...

Tuesday wasn't much better than Monday, it turns out. Oh, vell. I've become stricter with the class lately, which means they're a bit quieter and more attentive... this helps quite a bit.

Anyway, since I don't want to dwell on the negative, I'll briefly mention some highlights:

1.) had two specials (yay!!!), allowing me time to plan and relax a bit

2.) got a decent amount of material covered today

3.) got another new student (I'm back up to 26 now... ugh)

4.) played football with the boys at our end-of-the-day recess... they said I throw a decent spiral, so I felt pretty good. :) (Is it bad that I'm glad because I did something a group of 9- and 10-year-olds deem "cool"?) It was fun, though.

Also, a lot of the other teachers have been asking me if I'm leaving in December. In weeks past, I'd said that I was, but I'm not sure anymore... I think I'll try my best to stay 'til May, so we'll see how that goes. Even on fairly crappy days (like today), I don't feel like giving up as much. God bless Lexapro.

Finally, I have changed the format of the blog so that anyone may leave comments! Yes, dear friends, family, and strangers, you may now leave comments!! Yay!! Feel free to take advantage of this momentous change! Until then, peace out.


At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay for comments!

yay for hope-giving drugs!

yay for you!

yay for Andrew!


At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you for sticking it out until May. I won't even mention that I hope you can be there next year, too, but with only one grade this time! It really does get easier and better every year. Love you, Momita
(and yay for Andrew, too)


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