Monday, September 11, 2006


Monday, briefly:

-didn't even want to come in today, but had no sub plans, and I already have to be gone Wednesday for a workshop

-didn't cry all day (!!)

-no fights today (!!)

-got through our entire schedule (!!)

-assigned my first after-school detention today... that's right, kids, I'm cracking down.

-found out that progress report grades are due tomorrow... eek.

-had a parent come in after school today, telling me that his ex-wife took his daughter (she's been absent over a week now) and moved to Phoenix without telling him. During our 35-minute chat, I learned that I am, in fact, in The Twilight Zone. Oy. The people here either are compulsive liars, or have been through a LOT more than anyone ever should. I mean the children, too.

Tomorrow should be easy: 2 specials, reading buddies, and a LOT of stuff to cover. It's so strange: lately, I've want to quit in the mornings, and at the end of the day, I feel like I can make it through tomorrow. That, or the opposite (the mornings are OK, then I want to quit in the afternoon).

My solace: I'm not in a boring, mind-numbing profession. I'm trying to help people daily, and to increase the quality of our children's education. I am not idle or bored in this work. Furthermore, talking to some of the parents, teachers, and counselors, I've realized that life could be a lot worse. (Perhaps I'll do social work if this doesn't work out??)

Anyway, that's it for now. Time to go home and prepare grades. Joy.


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