A Fast (Albeit Sleepy) Day, for Once!
Today, ALL DAY, we had DIBELS/AIMSWeb training. Ooooh. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a method of collecting data about students' reading abilities, then interpreting the data for instruction... it's typically for children in grades K-3. (Why I had to attend is somewhat beyond me.) Anyway, we spent almost SEVEN HOURS in this training that our principal taught. Oh, joy.
On the upside, there is sort of an unofficial "fresh-out-of-college-new-teacher" clique formed. We "inducted" another member today, raising our membership to 4. For lunch, we all went to Subway (my suggestion, since it's Tuna Friday!!!), and we had a good time. Everyone but me really seems to like our principal. I like her ideas for helping the students read, but she seems very set in her ways and kind of stubborn. (I usually butt heads with people like this, since I myself am much the same way.)
The girls did, however, agree with me that the superintendent is a bit flirty. I think he's a bit "off," but only one other gal agreed with me on that point.
The poor newly-hired 4th grade teacher (my bud during orientation stuff and classroom set-up) is having a heck of a time with the administration, as I've mentioned. I feel bad for him... he's been lied to, threatened, and treated in a most unprofessional manner by the admin (coughDR.D.cough), so that sucks. He was talking about leaving within a month, which made me sad; we had a nice little coalition here, and they'll probably replace him with someone stupid. (Probably not, but I liked how we helped each other out.) He warned me to keep my eye out for similar transgressions against other staff members, so I'm on the lookout.
Dr. D. (the superintendent) actually came in during the middle of our training today, for reasons very much unknown. He introduced the new staff to the veterans, and had a big fanfare for everyone except my 4th-grade teacher buddy. The looks those two exchanged... yuck. And I feel bad, but I can't help but wonder: is Dr. D. giving this guy a hard time simply because he's older (4oish) male staff? Dr. D. is awfully friendly with us younger gals, so I wonder if he feels threatened? Maybe not, but he's sure acting childish for what seems like no reason at all. Then again, I suppose every district has its drama. I would've been worried if I hadn't seen any here!
That's about all for now... I'll have my room done today (!!!!), then I'm off to plan out the first week of school, then to the ever-delightful staff potluck dinner. Score.
Next week: a full day of training/inservices, then the show's REALLY on, come Tuesday!!! Eek!
Picture test:

Hmm... Ok, seems I can upload pictures at school!! :) I'll be sure to put my classroom pictures up sometime very soon!! Good news!
(This photo, by the way, is one I took at Ohio State a few years ago at Mirror Lake. Enjoy!)
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