Countdown: 8 Days 'Til Takeoff!!
I'd like to start this one off with a wonderful quote from Ms. Eleanor Roosevelt:
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face... You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
Looks like I'm about to gain a great deal of strength, courage, and confidence!! :P
In other news, I have gotten my "finalized" class list, so I made little welcome apples for each student that are now displayed outside the classroom. For a not very "cutesty" person, it was quite a feat for me!
Tomorrow, I have a daunting task: to put nametags on all the desks, arrange them in groups of 2 (as I've decided), put all my 500 books on the shelves, and organize the remaining items. Doesn't sound like much, but it will definitely take a few hours.
I've also figured out how to use the picture function, AND I found a cord to connect to my digital camera, so that I may download pictures! Score!!! I'd *like* to start posting the pictures, but the confounded blogger thing won't let me... yet. I'll have to figure it out. However, once I post the "before" and "after" pictures of my room, you will be able to see the AMAZING difference a little bit of time and a LOT of effort make! :)

<- This one was taken about a month before school. Notice the STUFF everywhere!! Eek!
(Also, the chairs and desks turned out a little funky on this... hopefully, you get the idea!)
Finally, I have written my first-ever *real* teacher-to-parent letter (I wrote one during student teaching, but that doesn't count). It's pretty cool, and it includes the classroom rules and sanctions/rewards. For your viewing pleasure, here they are:
a. When school starts
b. When lining up
c. For field trips/specials
2.) Be prepared (ready to work):
a. Pencils sharpened (2 always)
b. Supplies ready
c. Attitude: ready to work
3.) Be productive (on-task):
a. Give an honest effort in all your work.
b. Work to your fullest.
a. Respect and listen to the ideas of others, even if you disagree.
b. Use appropriate language (NO put-downs or cursing); say “please” and “thank you.”
c. This applies to everyone: students, teachers, custodians, secretaries, adults.
5.) Be in control of yourself.
a. Hands and feet are kept to yourself.
b. Only touch other people’s belongings with permission
1.) Warning: name on board (erased daily), verbal reminder
2.) Stay in for recess to complete rule sheet, conference with teacher (go out for the remainder of recess when done)
3.) Stay in for ALL of recess after completing the rule sheet
4.) Call home- decide a plan with parents
5.) Principal’s office- develop plan with principal
6.) Suspension
**** If anyone is harmed, threatened, or put in danger, the offender will be sent IMMEDIATELY to the office. ****
1.) Tally placed on behavior chart (3 per day= raffle ticket- see #10 below; 5 per day= call home at end of week; 3 per day all week= free homework pass)
2.) Verbal praise
3.) If whole class earns 3 checks/ :)s per day for a month: PARTY and 15 minutes extra free time on Friday!
4.) Free homework pass if all work is turned in at the end of the week
5.) Earned free time (up to 30 minutes on Friday!)- can be saved or used each week
6.) Extra credit for superior work
7.) Call and/or positive note home
8.) Extra surprises (to be determined throughout the year)
9.) Whole class reward (students choose what they want to earn)
10.) Weekly raffle (tickets earned through good behavior; 2 winners per week!)
So, faithful readers, I leave you scared and enthralled just a week and a day before beginning my teaching career!! I'll probably update a lot until school begins, then sporadically after that. Peace!
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