Thursday, August 10, 2006

What a Day!

So... it's 7:34pm (inside joke for my dad there), and I'm STILL at school. By the time I finish this update and make some copies, I'll have been here for over 12 hours. Score. Also, the drama with administration vs. teachers is beginning already. My 4th grade teacher next door is having issues with the superintendant... he (the teacher) asked our principal today if she (the principal) would like him to leave. Bleh. She said no, that she doesn't have a problem with him, but that the superintendant does. Go figure. He said he'll keep me updated.

Briefly, here are some highlights of the day:

-Had the whole day to work in my classroom!!

-FINALLY got the 4th grade set of books, so now I'm set with materials!

-The ever-so-awesome custodians helped me move all my books AND gave me two sets of cubbies. That's right: now the students finally have a place to put all their stuff! :)

-The principal and superintendent came in to tell me that "Timothy" has been removed from my class. Holy crap! He'll be in resource most of the day, and the rest of it, he'll spend in the other 4th grade teacher's room. There is also talk of "Timothy" getting moved to a special ed room all day, which might be best for everyone.

-Met another parent today; so far, they all seem cool and relatively interested in their children's lives... definitely a plus!

-Got my room almost completely set up!!!!! (I swear I'll post pictures on here as soon as I can figure it out!)

Hokay... that's about it for now. I'm getting excited (finally), now that I'm more prepared. Tomorrow, we're in meetings all day... fun, fun. And then, as if that weren't enough, there's then a potluck dinner at the principal's house tomorrow night... just in case we didn't have enough fun spending the WHOLE DAY with all these people! :P It should be cool, though; I'll make a killer salad. Ooooh.

Anyway, I'm out. Much better day than yesterday, AND now I'm excited to meet my class!! :)


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